My first thought when i woke up. I was supposed to have a 9 am class but it seemed that i overslept. I am that kind of person who hates to enter the class when the lesson is halfway through. And so i decided to attend the class during the break knowing that I usually have a 30 minutes break under that lecturer.

It was still early in the morning. As i had not taken my breakfast i decided to join my fren and his roommate for a sumptious MCD breakfast meal@Pyramid. I didnt expect myself for being able to join them as i was supposed to have a class going on. But my mischief overpowered my guai guai self. xD

One of the primary conditions to use the printing voucher is a minimum RM 5 puchase of food and we bought the pancake + hashbrown above which costs RM5++
I managed to reach class just in time ( the break was just over and our lecturer just entered) Had a fun audit class today.
Later on,
My another friend suddenly asked me out for dinner at pyramid when we were chatting in msn. She wanted to treat me a meal.
We went Wendy's

Haha. Precisely. That's another fast food outlet at Pyramid. She treated me this:

Super yummy chicken like the one sold at KFC + fries ( i didnt take any pic of the fries ).According to my friend, Wendy's is the healthiest fast food outlets. I doubted coz what i think is all fast food outlets are unhealthy. But considering the fact that she goes out more often than I do, I would just accept it :) Btw thanks alot for your yummy treat k.
Well that marks the end of my most unhealthy day of the month.
Well that marks the end of my most unhealthy day of the month.