The first thing i did when i woke up was to look at the clock , OMG half an hour to 11am. I am supposd to go to the management office around that time to look for the certain someone to take me to the store room to get back my things taken away by the hostel management during spring cleaning
The lady at the management told me one week ago, come on saturday to get your things as the cleaner who has the key to the store room would be around. And so when I reached there, DAMN the office door was locked. I reached there at 11 am sharp. The staff promised to come back at 11.10 am as stated on a notice. I decided to wait then since i had longed for this day to retrieve my super expensive sport shoes worth RM220 i bought 2 years ago.
The staff wasnt punctual. He came at 11.20am and he was busy talking to a plumber. I went into the office along with him and decided to start talking after he settled with the plumber. And he suddenly turned to me WHY SO LATE? Before this i was already on fire as i came to the office 2 weeks ago and met this miss Carol who asked me to see Miss Helen one week later and Miss Helen was the one asked me to come on this very day.
I raised my voice a bit '' I am late? Miss Helen told me to come at 11am bla bla bla'' Then that guy said I am not saying you are late i am asking you why you dont want to say the what you want immediately? WTH that guy trying to give me some excuses? Never mind and i just nodded. He went to call that Ms Helen to make sure she really did have an appointment with me. Later Ms Helen appeared in the office and told me to wait while she contacted the cleaner. i waited and waited and i in fact starting to feel impatient. I feel like saying out my frustration with how the hostel management do things.
Then Ms Helen went off after contacting the cleaner. The cleaner arrived around 1145 and we went up to the girl's block where the store room is located. I went there guess what i saw a huge pile of rubbish those things they took away during spring cleaning. I supposed to meet up with my friends for lunch at 12 i told the kakak i go back make a call and come back later the kakak said ok. Then i went off and came back i went into the lift. Sighs this is unlucky i actually wasnt supposed to enter the girl's block lift but somehow i was deperate and entered the lift and as expected the securities stopped the lift and asked me why i explained to them but the security insisted that i couldnt enter like that it's against the rules. She straight away went to the management office and told the guy about it. The guy told me i cant enter like that and things i some how got annoyed and said the hostel management should improve on the way they do things and stopped making people wait. I thought it would be a quick business and would be settled very fast how would i know it would be such a delay.
But somehow he took me up to the store room to meet the kakak. Along the way i complained about their inefficiency and said supposed to meet at 11am but you were late. The guy of course started to defend himself by saying i dont have a business with you it's Ms Helen having business with you. It's not like i could take action on Ms Helen. Haiz after all Ms. Helen is representing the staff of the management you dumbass. He gave me his card when he listened to me complaining and asked me if you got any frustrations just email me i will look at the matter. I was so angry that I started to blurt out it's not like you would do anything or even read it. He said if that is your opinion i cant do anything lor.
I was staring at the pile of rubbish which i didnt even know where to start finding. I just gave up anyhow. That guy said thriumpantly ok ar you giving up then. Signed this document and write there i gave up finding my things. I complied silently. I burst out again of course i cant find la so many things in there and said a few more things i couldnt really remember. That guy just said this place is no more suitable for you to stay. You better go other places. This is a hostel not a hotel. This hostel is too childish for you . YOU are very mature. Ok. Does he have to say all this things to make one feel better? People cant get back their things after a long wait to go to the store room to look for my things. I starting to be impolite i said ya ya and scream at him RUDE!!.. and stormed back to my block.